Hi, my name is Xenia, and I am a transformational coachsound healing therapistyoga teacher

Change how you Think – Feel -Act

“I help people to deal with their Emotions. Rapid. Effective.”

I know, how it feels!

When you know “Everything” and have read all psychology books… maybe were in therapy, but still, underneath – there is no answer to how to deal with Emotions & Situations in daily life. And be happy, simply happy. What is the Method that Really helps? Finally, effective Method.

I had different situations in life – from long-term relations’ separations (yes, in plural :), moving to another country, changing my career, being in fear & anger, losing people… and simply being on crazy roads daily.

I Understand. And I believe I Found the Method.

Why Am I Qualified To Help You

My Skills

“Being an empath, I have a gift for sensing the emotions and experiences of others.

It allows me truly to feel and understand my clients on a deep level.

I see the world through their eyes, which allows me to provide coaching & yoga sessions with a deep sense of attunement and connection.”

My Certifications

– Certified in RPT coaching (level 1 & 2). An Unique Rose Method.

– Certification of therapeutic use of Tibetan Singing Bowls I have got in Nepal, from one of a kind master – Sajan Thapaliya, designer & creator of the largest singing bowl, registered in Guinness Book of Records (2019).

Advanced yoga certifications (500 hours) +200 hours additional hours of training / Yoga Alliance

– certifications & trainings in Breathwork, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Guasha massage, Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, Pilates, Guided Meditations and more

My Passion

Every person has a mission being on this Planet. It is not just to eat & grave.

And my passion is to find the answers to Why and How. Our subconscious level.

What is behind the “Matrix”?

How to find an Inner Source to keep going. How to be Happy.

How to reheel all the Traumas and do not roll back.

Healthy lifestyle. Being Young.

Sound Healing Sessions. Vibrations.

Cleansing. Energy flow. Magic.

One-on-one Coaching

Emotional overload? Nothing is helping? Experience the power of RPT coaching – Resource sessions when you are uplifted right after. We work with your True instincts, and that’s why it is effective.

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